Yes I'm still on my sick bed so suddenly 2 blog posts one after another, if I'm still on my sick bed tomorrow, you might get another!!
Anyway onto the subject in hand, I LOVE bracelets, when it comes to jewellery, if I had a choice bracelets would win every time. When I look for sets I would rather have a bracelet with earrings than a necklace with earrings, of course ideally I'd have a necklace, earrings and bracelet but hey I can't usually afford such luxuries!
I have a lot of bracelets, some are standard wear everyday types, some are really flashy sparkly special occasion ones, I have vintage and repro ones.
So I thought I would share just a tiny selection with you.
First up is one of my favourites, although for some reason it's glory just is not coming over on camera! When it's on and you're all dressed up it is one of the most glamourous pieces of jewellery I own I think, so why doesn't it look so glam on camera?!!
She's a beauty, really truly I feel special when I wear this!
Next up is another of my favourites, I used to wear this a lot on stage when I was a singer. In fact I used to wear turquoise a lot when I was younger, must get back to it, it's really one of my colours! I do have a lovely necklace and earrings that look great with this although not matching as a set, they match colourwise.
Another of my loves is thermoset jewellery, I know so many people love bakelite, but I love thermoset, I know I'm cheap. Don't get me wrong I love bakelite but I've never really been able to justify bakelite prices to myself, I know you can find cheaper options, but I like what I like and inevitably I like the expensive stuff, not because it's expensive but it seems to be what appeals to me. Anyway I digress - this cold is making me ramble!! - I love thermoset. I've got quite a few thermoset pieces, I lost a thermoset bracelet recently and was so upset as it was part of a set :o(
Anyway this one is also part of a set, of course it's a bracelet & earrings set. I especially like jewellery that has a story behind it in my mind, this one is special to me because I bought it - along with the bracelet I lost - in an antique store in Las Vegas when I was at VLV with some friends, I remember exactly the day, what we did, where we bought it etc etc!
My next bracelet has a story behind it but a much sadder one, it was given to me for my birthday years ago by a lovely family, the two 'boys' gave me it and sadly not much later one of those lovely young men died at the incredibly young age of 17. I would never part with it for that reason alone, however it's still one of my favourite bracelets, especially at this time of year, isn't it a beauty!

Then last but not least is a bracelet that wasn't actually mine, in fact it's really not my style at all and I would probably never wear it but I would never part with it. It was given to my mum on her 13th birthday by her favourite Auntie. Judging by my calculations this would have been 1949, but from what mum has said it was her Aunties first so it wasn't new then. I have no idea how to date this as it's not something I would wear but it is stunning. I did see one go for a lot of money last year on ebay but it had lost all colouring whereas this one still retains it's colouring, however of course this is immaterial as I'm not parting with it!
As you can see it's stunning because it is carved all around very intricately. I also don't know what it's made of but it looks like an early type of plastic to me.
So what is your favourite style of jewellery? Are you a bracelet, earring, necklace or ring type of gal?