What could possibly be getting me so irate? Well a while ago, I found out that a sore ankle I'd had for 3 months and had never been seen to was because of my flat feet. Yes people I have stupidly flat feet, it's not something that's just happened, I've had flat feet since I was a little kid, my poor mum spent a fortune on special shoes - oh yes special shoes! - to try to rectify it, but to her despair I still have flat feet. To be honest it's never really bothered me much, never given me much grief apart from I've always found it uncomfortable to wear high heels for any length of time, but hey I love wedgies so that's fine!
But now that I'm 43 apparently time has finally taken it's toll! So when I went to the podiatrist, she told me that I needed to start wearing velcro shoes, VELCRO SHOES!!!! What the hell? I'm 43 not 93! A few expletives were uttered, including me exclaiming that I refuse to wear ugly shoes, at which time she pointed out she was wearing them, now I'm not a rude person but I was very close at the point, what I wanted to say was, yeah and look at them, what I said was, oh ok! Not exactly subtle but it was the best I could do.
Anyway I was given orthotics, and that was fine during colder months but now what?
I refuse to wear ugly shoes!
I've always been super lucky with vintage shoes, I have small feet and have never really had to compromise when it comes to shoes, I can pretty much find what I want, yes I will do a shoe post at some point, I have bought - and parted with - more shoes than I can bear to say.
I want to wear things like this from
Rocket Originals!
Or these currently on
Instead today I've ordered the ugliest pair of sandals I have ever ordered I have had to compromise, I don't do compromise! I'm so fed up that I've had to spend money on ugly shoes! Actually they're not hideous they're just not nice and no I'm not going to show you! So I did a deal with myself, I will wear my ugly shoes cos they're good for me - oh the catalyst was that my ankle started hurting today cos I've just been wearing sandals I like! - but I will only wear my ugly shoes whilst working from home, maybe to the post office, but that is IT! I refuse to be seen out and about in them!
I figure if I compromise with myself I can continue to wear my pretty shoes when I'm out and about, if I don't compromise I may never wear pretty shoes again and may be in velcro shoes by 45 aaaaargh!
Had anyone else had to compromise in a similar situation? I'm trying to be sensible but it's tough for me, even at 43!!